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Showing posts with the label pride

You think you might be proud? Check this out.

  MAJOR SIGNS OF PRIDE (THE BAD KIND) Have you been haunted by the sentence   You are so proud Proud this Proud that and  Proud everywhere   But you just don't think you actually are and you need and explanation?  Well, you have come to the right spot.  Given the fact that I've been called proud so many times that I had to ask my sister for help and she sent me an article on pride, I  think I might have enough idea on the word "pride" But first, you need the  basics,. What is pride?  Well  in the regular teens world, pride is when a person feels way too highly about themselves either for no reason at all or because of their "achievements" But, some people are so  immature that they call these set of people proud even though they aren't: People who are reserved in a gathering People who are richer than they are People who have lived high class all their life and  is finding it difficult to do things the "streets do" Influentia...