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Showing posts from January, 2021

Waistbead Inspo

WAIST BEADS,DESIGNS AND IDEAS {I} Disclaimer; All images used in this article are not mine. In our present generation, waist beads are used for beautification, postural management, weight management, etc. Although it is worn in many countries of the world, it is most popular among Africans and Indians as a means of adornment. According to local research, there are also special waist beads used for enlargement of the backside and some other religious things. If you're thinking about beautiful waist bead designs for you, here are some you might want to try out.  

Social Anxiety

  Social Anxiety What is social anxiety? Social anxiety also known as social phobia,is a stage where shyness has gotten to a point where you need to see a doctor. It is a situation where a person lacks the ability to perform social contacts which other people call normal because it makes them feel very uncomfortable.  When does it occur? People with social anxiety can experience it in lots of ways. But here is a list of most commons situations which social anxiety might be triggered: Performing in public  Being the centre of attraction  Being watched while doing something Talking to people in authority  Talking on the phone Public speaking  Talking to strangers Making eye contact  Going to school  Attending parties Eating publicly  Using public toilets Visiting a place with a large crowd Although,there are tons of reasons why people develop social anxiety,the most common reason is a   NEGATIVE OR AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE.   Sym...